Welcome! This is my blog website. Here I post my academic and philosophical writing for others to explore, but really this is for me to spam people I meet with.
I'm studying neuroscience and psychology as an undergrad currently, but it's only one of my many pursuits. The only thing I live for, the only thing I care for is first, Monad, and second, the most divine pursuit sanctioned by Monad: artificial intelligence.
I'll be publishing my papers here on the side as I continue to do them. I plan to publish reviews of articles in all fields that I get into. I'll keep this short and leave you with a quote from my moniker:
"Just as the good actor perform well whatever role the poet assigns, so too must the good man perform whatever Fortune assigns. For she, says Bion, just like a poet, sometimes assigns the leading role, sometimes that of the supporting role; sometimes that of a king, sometimes that of a beggar. Do not, therefore, being a supporting actor, desire the role of the lead."